Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Prof. Harpreet Kaur from History Department sharing "Development of Education during British Period in India"



Development of Education during British Period in India

Education policy of the British: In pre-British days, Hindus and Muslims were educated through Pathshala and Madrassa respectively, but their advent created a new place of learning i.e. Missionaries. So that, they can create a class of Indian who would be “Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste” who would act as interpreters between the Government and the masses.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."   -Benjamin Franklin

Education is a powerful tool to unlock the golden door of freedom that can change the world. With the advent of the British Rule in India, their policies and measures breached the legacies of traditional schools of learning which resulted in the need for creating a class of subordinates. To achieve this goal, they instituted a number of acts to create an Indian canvas of English colour through the education system.

Initially, the British East India Company was not concerned with the development of the education system because their prime motive was trading and profit-making. To rule in India, they planned to educate a small section of upper and middle classes to create a class “Indian in blood and colour but English in taste” who would act as interpreters between the Government and the masses. This was also called the “downward filtration theory”. The following steps and measures were taken by the British for the development of Education in India. The chronological development of Education during the British Period in India is discussed below:


1813 Act & the Education

1. Charles Grant and William Wilberforce, who was missionary activists, compelled the East India Company to give up its non-invention policy and make way for spreading education through English in order to teach western literature and preach Christianity. Hence, the British Parliament added a clause in the 1813 charter that Governor-General-in-Council less than one lakh for education and allowed the Christian Missionaries to spread their religious ideas in India.

2. Act had its own importance because it was the first instance that British East India Company acknowledged for the promotion of education in India.

3. With the efforts of R.R.M Roy, the Calcutta College was established for imparting Western education.  Also, three Sanskrit colleges were set up at Calcutta.


General Committee of Public Instruction, 1823

1. This committee was formed to look after the development of education in India which was dominated by Orientalists who were the great supporter of Oriental learning rather than the Anglicans. Hence, they created paramount pressure on the British India Company to promote Western Education. As a result, the spread of education in India got discursive between Orientalist-Anglicist and Macaulay’s resolution come across with a clear picture of the British education system.

Lord Macaulay’s Education Policy, 1835

1. This policy was an attempt to create a system of education that educates only the upper strata of society through English.

2. Persian was abolished as the court language and  English become the court language.

3. Printings of English books were made free and available at a very low price.

4. English education was allotted more funds as compared to oriental learning.

5. In 1849, JED Bethune founded Bethune School.

6. Agriculture Institute was established at Pusa (Bihar)

7. Engineering Institute was established at Roorkee.

 Wood’s Dispatch, 1854

1. It is considered as the “Magna Carta of English Education in India” and contained a comprehensive plan for spreading education in India.

2. It states the responsibility of the State for the spread of education to the masses.

3. It recommended the hierarchy education level- At the bottom, vernacular primary school; at district, Anglo-vernacular High Schools and affiliated college, and affiliated universities of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras Presidency.

4. Recommended English as a medium of instruction for higher studies and vernacular at school level

Hunter Commission (1882-83)

1. It was formed to evaluate the achievements of Wood Dispatch of 1854 under W.W Hunter in 1882.

2. It underlined the state’s role in the extension and improvement of primary education and secondary education.

3. It underlined the transfer of control to district and municipal boards.

4. It recommended two division of secondary education- Literary up to university; Vocational for commercial career.

Sadler Commission

1. It was formed to study on the problems Calcutta University and their recommendations were applicable to other universities also.

2. Their observations were as follows:

I. 12-year school course

II. 3-years degree after the intermediate stage

III. Centralised functioning of universities, unitary residential-teaching autonomous body.

IV. Recommended extended facilities for applied scientific and technological education, teacher’s training, and female education.

Impact of British rule on education

In the process, indigenous education suffered. It is too broad concept, and the exact impact of British rule on different regions at different times has to be studied more carefully before we conclude that the curve everywhere constantly declined.


What kind of Education did India have before British rule?

Modern education began in India under British rule. Before the British, India had its own educational systems like the Gurukulas and the Madrassas. The East India Company, during their first 60 years of rule didn’t care much for the education of those they ruled in India. (Even in England, universal education came about at a much later stage.)


Why did the British neglect education for Indians?

 According to the British, by getting the education Indians could stand against the British Rule. They thought that if Indians would become educated they could get equal rights and positions as them in the society


Why was education important to the Indian reformers?

The Indian reformers Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Daya Ram Sahni  believed that to keep up with times, a modern educational system was needed to spread rational thinking and scientific principles. The Charter Act of 1813 was the first step towards education being made an objective of the government.

                                                                        By Assistant professor: Harpreet Kaur

                                                                                                            Department of History





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ਲਾਇਲਪੁਰ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਕਾਲਜ, ਕਪੂਰਥਲਾ ਦੇ ਪਲੇਸਮੈਂਟ ਅਤੇ ਟ੍ਰੇਨਿੰਗ ਸੈਲ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਪੀ ਐੱਮ ਇੰਟਰਨਸ਼ਿਪ ਸਕੀਮ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰਪਿਤ ਕਰਵਾਇਆ ਲੈਕਚਰ

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