Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Importance of Public opinion- shared by Prof Manisha


                                             Importance of Public opinion


Public opinion consists of the desires, wants and thinking of the majority of the people. It is the collective opinion of the people of a society or state on an issue or problem.

The term ‘public opinion’ was coined by philosopher John Locke in the 17th century. However, the concept itself predates Locke. Vex populi or ‘voice of the people’ is a similar Latin concept. Today, public opinion is defined in the following way: collective evaluations expressed by people on politico-social-economical issues, policies, institutions, and individuals. Listening is essential in a democracy. People have a right to be heard by their representatives. That is what legitimizes democracy in the public eye and builds trust in government and its institutions. The functioning of a stable society is impossible without the means of a free -flowing two-way communication – talking and listening– with openness to the others’ point of view. Public opinion can act as a check on leadership, as the members of the public can express their dissatisfaction with politicians who refuse to take their opinions into account and vote them out of office.  Presenting the views of the mass public to government leaders who are making decisions  that will affect society. Leaders often monitor the public pulse when making policy decisions, especially when they face an election campaign.

Public opinion is an essential element for successful working of democratic communication in the system. Public Opinion is the expression of the views of citizens. No government can afford to ignore it.

A sound and effective public opinion prevent the structures of dictators.

It promotes wider awareness and invites citizens to examine issues from different points of view

Public opinion acts as the guide to the government in respect of policy formation.

Public opinion helps the government to enact laws

Public opinion acts as a watchdog. It controls and checks the government from becoming irresponsible. 

 Public opinion acts as the protector of rights and liberties of citizens. In a democratic country, people have the right to criticize or support the government in their own way

1. Public Opinion Serves as the Foundation of Democracy:

Sovereignty of the people, which is the very basis of democracy, really means supremacy of the public opinion. In every democracy, the government and its policies are continuously based on public opinion. The government remains in power so long as it is backed by public opinion.

2. Public Opinion is a Device of Effective Control over the Government:

Public opinion is the most effective instrument of control over the government. The government is really responsible to public opinion.

 3. Public Opinion Determines Election Results: In every election only that political party wins which enjoys the support of public opinion.

4. Public Opinion is a Major Source of Law: The laws passed by the government are in-fact based upon public demands i.e. demands backed by public opinion. Hence, public opinion is a source of law.

5. Public Opinion is the Real Sanction behind Law: Not only public opinion is a source of law but also it is an important sanction behind law. Only those laws get successfully implemented and produce desired results, which are backed by public opinion.

6. Public Opinion is the Guardian of Rights and Freedoms: Rights and Freedom of the people need protection. Public Opinion acts as their guardian. Alert public opinion is the greatest safeguard against any violation of rights and freedoms of the people.

7. Public Opinion is the Basis of State Policies: The government of the state formulates its policies on the basis of the public opinion. The government is supposed to do everything which the public opinion demands.

8. Credibility of a Government Rests Upon Public Opinion: A government backed by strong public opinion enjoys a high degree of credibility. It helps it to work effectively and strongly.

9. Public Opinion is the Agent of Social Change: No law aimed at social change, no policy aimed at social reforms and no action aimed at development can be really successful unless it is backed by strong public opinion. Desired objectives of social change can be secured only by securing a public opinion distinctly favorable to proposed reforms and changes. As such in every society, public opinion is at the back of every activity of the government.

Artical By

Prof Manisha 

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